Friday, April 4, 2014

listening to yourself: what a weird experience

Today I found myself on the web. It's not as paradoxical as meeting yourself in time travel, but still it feels weird, especially when you did not really know you had been recorded for a radio interview.
In 2010, during a very challenging personal time, I was contacted by a journalist who had found my name in association with an article on astronaut survival training. She wanted to inject me into an IEEE special edition on Dream Jobs. It sounded interesting, so I decided to go along. I had a very interesting day long conversation with an exceptional person: a professional journalist and editor, extremely smart and competent, asking challenging and clever questions. She recorded all our conversations, and told me that I would be contacted for a radio interview, but then that appointment did not materialise. I had my first photo shooting session instead, in a very uncomfortable and unrealistical space suit dummy.
It's been a nice surprise to find the recordings of our day together today. I had been speaking to her the whole day, relaxed and sincere, so for the first time I actually enjoy listening to myself.
If you care to listen to it, advance to minute 20
The IEEE article can be found here:

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